Actually, today’s Alec Baldwin news really is a little surprising.

And so our moral betters at the Federal Bureau of Intimidation now seem to have declared, officially, that the single-action revolver involved in the Rust on-set disaster…could not have fired without the trigger being actuated–meaning that Alec Baldwin must have fired said gun by pulling said trigger.

If I may briefly indulge the obvious: well, slow clap there, Dudley Do-Right. You managed to figure out, some ten months later and after what surely was some stack of taxpayer dollars, with an oh-fish-yul investigation, exactly what any Idaho Joe-Bob or Utah Cletus figured out within about thirty seconds of first hearing that a single-action revolver was involved in the case, and not hearing anyone claim that it was broken.

Oh, don’t get me wrong; even though the breathless reporting of the “shocking news”, by the legacy media, is indeed gag-worthy in the extreme, the “finding” still serves a purpose: now, anyone who actually still believes anything the FBI says may yet get the message along with the rest of us, and maybe, just maybe, it’ll be less likely that the victim-disarmament darling Baldwin will just skate entirely. (Still, I’ll believe it when I see it, and probably not even then.)

Still, I do find it somewhat surprising, and actually encouraging, that we got this from the FBI at this moment in time. Why? I mean, I don’t think for a minute that the Bureau didn’t have this figured out last October. They may be modern-day Brownshirts, but it would be foolish to underestimate them; they do have a basic understanding of how guns work, and they also have an understanding of how their dutiful fluffers in the legacy media work, too. No, this release feels like a “leak”; it had a purpose. And so, as usual, to understand the pesky why, we should remember to ask the full set of questions with the rest of the words:

  • Why are they telling us this now?
  • Why are they telling us this now?
  • Why are they telling us this now?
  • Why are they telling us this now?

And really, a pretty obvious conclusion surfaces from that simple exercise: we got this because they need cover, and throwing Alec Baldwin under the bus was deemed a worthy trade for what they believe will be new credibility with a cheap bone thrown to the gunnies…or, maybe at least a little less pushback from the uppity peasants…or, maybe (“would you believe…“) just a little old-fashioned misdirection for everyone, so people aren’t paying quite so much attention to all the Brownshirt-playbook activities they’ve been caught in lately. (You know: FBI assets involved in nearly all the major disasters and plots; repeated fairy tales about Russia!Russia!Russia!; abuse of power and abrogation of rights in politically sensitive cases like the ongoing J6 farce, and of course the recent pretext raid on the former President’s private residence…*)

Of course FBI as Brownshirts is nothing new, and some pretty damn nasty things have happened when they have decided they need attention or renewed credibility. But putting that aside (not an easy thing to do), deliberately “leaking” this ridiculous “finding”, now, means they know they are losing, and that they need cover for it.

That is good news, and should hearten us all to keep up the flashlight work. And who knows? Just maybe we’ll see ol’ Baldwin take even a bit of the fall he has so richly deserved for so long.


* And I’ll say it again: one of the things I resent most, about the Hive Mind mob, is that they keep giving me reasons to appreciate that Previous Occupant. I’ve always regarded him as a hoplophobic toad unfit for office, and one could never with honesty call me a “supporter”, but he has had a most unexpected utility in making the “swamp” reveal its true self in Day-Glo colors and shrieking voices, and that credit, at least, must be given.

One thought on “Actually, today’s Alec Baldwin news really is a little surprising.

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